inspired - my story

waterstone reclaimed leather bags & unique jewelry

I think that most of the time we don't really have a reason for what we choose to do in life. We simply fall into it. Of course, if we are artists, we were born artists. That part is just a fact.

I was born an artist. Professionally, I began as a graphic artist, then a portrait artist, and then it stopped. When marriage and kids came along I lost interest. Throughout the years, I've continued to paint when asked, but it was never an obsession.

In November, 2005, our daughter, Jessie became very sick. After months of not knowing what was wrong or even if it was life threatening, she was diagnosed with an unusual autoimmune disease called CFIDS (chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrom). During the early months, Jes was bedridden. The only thing she could do was watch television, which quickly grew old. I searched out every "sit still" hobby that I could think of. Finally, one day I bought a few cheap jewelry supplies and we set out make pretty things. Jessie (now 17) is still working to find her new "normal" and hopes to begin college soon. Her strength truly inspires.

Playing with jewelry opened the Pandora's box that had, for years, been hidden away. I learned just how therapeutic any form of art is during difficult times.
So, that's a VERY short version of my story. What's yours?

P.S. Be sure to check out this month's giveaway before you leave.


  1. Is that photo of Jessie? It's gorgeous!

    I, too, was born for this. I;ve created art for as far back as I can remember. But, you know that kid thing stalls you out!

    Once my 2nd child was born, though, I was back up and rolling and have never looked back since! I made a frame for myself and this particular avenue took off and grew into a business :)

    I was watching a show with my hubs the other night and the older eclectic mom character was in her back yard painting with an easel and I said "I want to be like her when I grow up" Big guy looked at me and said "You are already her!" Was that a complement? I doubt it, but it made me feel so great!

  2. too funny! I think it WAS a compliment. I want to be like that when I grow up, too.

    Thanks, Jen. I love these stories.

  3. Hello sweet Lori - what a beautiful post. And an inspiration your daughter is! I am not an artist but I get so much therapy from admiring the creations others make. Like your fabulous jewelry. I also enjoy going to art museums and staring at the artwork.

    My story is my family. My passion. 6 years ago I almost lost it all. These past few years I have poured myself into them.

    Thank you for sharing such a sweet story.


  4. To answer your question, yes, it's a photo of Jessie.

  5. that is soo cool!
    that's such a great strength for inspiration. wow. i'm glad to hear that she's still making jewelry? do you two do everything together? aww, thanks for sharing!

  6. Hi Rachel,
    Yes, unfortunately we do almost everything together. :) For health reasons she's doing school at home this year and that coupled with the past 5 years has been the cause for a dangerously close relationship.

    We once went to a new doctor who looked at us as we bickered and said, "you two need to spend some time together and bond." After our bwahahahas, we changed doctors.

  7. What a inspiring story. It's always interesting to me how people get started on their path to creativity.

    I have always enjoyed creating since childhood, but until I found jewelry making did I find my true calling. Sometimes I wish I would have found it earlier in life, but for now I am enjoying the ride.

    Great post, thank for sharing.


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