from the studio...

from the studio
Wanted to post a studio update to confirm the best of intentions as this week has unfolded with a sick cat (she's drugged but feeling much better) and a dirty house (not much progress there). But...

from the studio
I found the last bit of this beautiful tapestry styled fabric and decided to combine it with a distressed leather to make a zip top tote.

from the studio
And you know how they sometimes say that a dress doesn't photograph well but is luscious in person? That's how I feel about this upcoming bomber jacket bag - it's going to be a.m.a.z.i.n.g. So beautifully weathered and ideally sized. I can't wait until it's done so that I can show you properly.

from the studio
Lots of little things and medium sized things, cut and ready for production. Oh if an elf would appear at night to complete my projects, how my life would be so much easier. But then, I'd miss the process and be ever so sad.


How's your to do list shaping up this week?


  1. What a beautiful combination this will be, Lori.
    I hope your cat is feeling all better soon.


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